Welcome to Docky’s documentation!

Docky is a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool written in Python (using CLY?!) for running Docker and Docker Compose commands.


To use Docky in your project, in your project’s root, run:

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mateusoliveira43/docky/main/install_docky.py | python -

This will copy Docky (latest version) files to the scripts folder of your project. Then add the project’s configuration in scripts/docky_cli/config.py file.

To install (or update) Docky to a specific version, run:

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mateusoliveira43/docky/main/install_docky.py | python - <version>

You can check Docky help by running:

Running Docky help

You can check a Docky command help by running:

./scripts/docky.py <command> --help

where <command> is one of the commands presented in the Commands section of Docky help.

Running a Docky command help

To run your project with Docker for development, run:

./scripts/docky.py run
Connecting to Container's shell for the first time

The command will create .env file in project’s root (if it does not already exists), Build the service’s images (and the images it depends on, if they are not already built), and then connect to the service’s Container shell.

You can both run the commands inside the Container’s shell

Running command inside Container's shell

or run each command individually, by running:

./scripts/docky.py run <command>

where <command> can be a command and it’s arguments.

Running command outside Container's shell

You can add Docky to the path, and call it with docky instead of ./scripts/docky.py by adding Docky to pyproject.toml:

docky = "scripts.docky_cli.__main__:CLI"

and running:

pip install -e ./